Shipping and order
The processing of your order takes 1 to 3 days. The free delivery requires a maximum of 7 to 14 working days from our team. We make every effort to ensure that you receive your order as quickly as possible, without compromising the quality of our goods.
Once your order is shipped, you'll be sent a tracking link by email. You can also visit our page: Track your order.
We deliver our products all over the world for free on orders over $95. Shipping fee is $4.90 on orders under $95.
If your order includes several items, it is possible that these will be sent separately, depending on available stocks and shipping warehouses. You will receive the rest of your order shortly.
Cancellation and return
You can modify or cancel your order as long as it's not been processed yet.
In order to return an item, you have to send us an email at contact@gothic-apparel.com. We'll send you return instructions. We remind you that you have 30 days to return a product. Returns are free.
Your security, our priority: our site only offers secure and guaranteed safe payment methods:
- Credit cards (VISA, AMEX, Mastercard, ...)
- Apple Pay
- PayPal
The "HTTPS" in the URLs of our shop testifies to the quality of our services. HTTPS is the variant of "http" secured by the use of SSL/TLS protocols. HTTPS is used to protect the financial transactions of merchant sites. As e-merchants, we are aware that the use of SSL is becoming indispensable nowadays. It is the best way to protect your data and protect you against hackers and identity theft.
Visually, the SSL certificate is represented by a padlock that appears in the url bar of the web browser. It is also represented by an "s" which stands for "secure" and which is added to the "http" protocol on the website in the address bar.
In addition, we do not have access to your payment information.